Monday, October 5, 2009


I am currently watching the Tyra Banks show and it is about obesity and how obese people are discriminated against. Tyra said something that made me think, how there are laws not to discriminate against race, sex, religion but not size. If two women are going for a job interview and they both have the same schooling and the same qualifications who would be more likely to get a job...a heavy set person or a skinny person? That bothers me because it is more of a chance that a skinner person will get the job just because they look better. But the employer will not say they can not hire someone because they are obese they will say something such as "you are not what we are looking for." Then there is nothing anybody could do. There was a women on the show who discriminates against over-weight people and she said that in an office the skinny people should be in the front(when people first walk in) and the heavier people should work in the back. The lady thought she was doing nothing wrong because she considered it freedom of speech but I think people abuse that right. There is a place and a time to express how you feel. Making fun of people is just wrong. You just don't look at an obese person and say "your fat" that is rude and that is when people abuse the right of Freedom of Speech. You don't always have to say the truth but just keep it to yourself. Just because it may be a fact does not mean you go around and say it.
It should not be about looks but it should be about who is more qualified. Which leads me to ask who set this 'American Beauty' standard. Tall, and skinny. Especially if over half of Americans are not that skinny. Some people associated obesity people with lazy which also bothered me. That is the biggest myth (in my opinion.) People think that the skinner you are the more you are worth but in reality everybody is worth something and equal.

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