Friday, September 25, 2009

On Saturday I was watching the Brady Bunch and knowing it took place and made in the 70's and it was really about women's rights. It really made me think about everything. In the show Marcha was speaking out about women's rights and her brothers thought she was stupid. She wanted to join something along the lines of boy scouts like her brothers because she is trying to do everything the boys are doing to prove to them that girls can do anything just as good. And it is true how girls can do everything just the same as boys, it is not based on sex it is based on skills and talents. The dad tries to find a rule saying that girls can't join in the hand book but it was not found so they were 'forced' to let her in. Then the brothers try to join girl scouts to make prove to Marcha how stupid she looks in boy scouts. Why do they think she looks stupid? Because she is a girl? She proves she is fully capable of doing everything within the boy scouts. Which also made me think, why are their boy scouts and girl scouts? Why can't they just be boy and girl scouts, and one big thing and not seperated by sex? They all have the same basis.Why are the seperated? If a girl wanted to join boy scouts will she be denied because she is a girl? Or if a boy wanted to join girl scouts willl she be denied?

I also thought about my Marching Band director in high school. I did color guard and the band director did not let boys particpate in color guard and nobody knew why. That always bothered me because boys are just as talented.

It also made me realized how much women's right has changed since the 70's(I know we have discussed this but it just made me realize when I saw it in the media.) I think we should watch this episode of The Brady Bunch.

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