Sunday, October 18, 2009

Domestic Violence

This blog will be about the class discussion on Thursday and some of the reading assignments. These reading assignments were about domestic violence and how that males abuse females all comes down to power. They want to control their wives, girlfriends and families and it all is just a big cycle. He abuses the female, he continues and then he makes up and says things such as “I’m sorry it won’t happen again” and he will buy her items or make it all special and a few months later he is back from the start. She continues to take him back, she does not see how mistreated she is.
I also didn’t realize how much of a big issue stalking was not only on campus but in today’s society. I guess I just over look or just not think about these things but now I am more aware of the issue which will benefit me. Having a stalker is very serious and can be life threatening most of the time. What would you do if you have a stalker? Could you go the cops? I do not think there is that much help out there if you do have a stalker issue because you have to have evidence that you are being stalked. I wonder why people stalk others.
Domestic violence is such a terrible thing that will just continue throughout history. Women have been killed, raped, beaten, etc. and it still continues. I think if we continue to have domestic violence awareness maybe one day it will get better. Actually, this past Wednesday was domestic violence awareness day and at DUC they were handing out purple ribbons and had signs and statics about domestic violence which is a step to bringing more people aware about it.

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