Thursday, September 17, 2009

Class discussion on Thursday 9-17-09

The big discussion we had in class about what has changed and what is still the same. The biggest thing that was a big surpirse to me is how I thought women have came a very long way (and we have) but I did not realize how much more work not just women but as a society has to do. Such as, how woment can't get their tubes tied without their husban's permission in the state of KY. That is not fair cause it is our body and females should be able to do what they want with it. I also want to comment on when we discussed who they found the killer of the women in Yale and how if it was an African American guy the media would have been very more descriptive in the suspect. I just do not think of these things, when I watch tv I don't even pay that much detail on who the media focues on. It is just kind of shocking how we have come so far since the 70's but yet still have a very long way to go as a society. In my opinion, the problems we have today will still be the same issues 10,20,30 years from now. But hopefully I am wrong!

I also will comment on the first article in chapter one an part of it discusses how some people can not even think about a women without having thoughts of a women being a victim. Women are individuals and when the thought of women come up in one's mind, being a victim should not come up too. To be honest I feel like I did not fully understand the part of article one about the gender/class/race. In my mind gender, race and class are all completly different things.

On the news side, when I was watching videos from CNN one thing that I am tired of hearing about is Jon and Kate and their split up. Jon was dating another Kate, but Jon denies that they had a realtionship. In my opinion I think it is invading their personal life. They are split up and there lives will go on. They did get themselves into the mess buy publicizing their lives, but I don't blame them for making that show with all that money they got for every episode! I also read an article stating that an American male who set up a home for children in need in Haiti was recently accused of sexual abousing the children (boys mostly.) He would abuse his authority over the boys the manipulate them and bribe them with extra food and gifts for his own sick mind. He has not been found guilty but if he does then he can recieve max.30 yrs in priosion. When I read that it really bothered me because that guy could have done really good in Haiti and those children looked up to him. That guy could have been the only person they have and he abused his rights and took advantage. Idk if I am just cruel for thinking this but I think some cases prision is not good enough for prisioners. I think prisioners have it to good sometimes for the cruel they did to others. I think that in extreme cases they should do more the prision. I don't think when people go to prision they learn, all they do is sit in a wall and loose privacy but what do they get out of it? I think if they get out they will do the same thing again, I think they belong in a mental hospital because what they are doing is all mentally.

That is all I have to say about everything...I am pretty sure it is at least 500 words! I will see everyone on Thursday in class!


I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world.”-Dalai Lama

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