Saturday, November 14, 2009

News, and online pics.

This first thing I want to discuss in this blog is how dangerous today’s society has become. When people watch the news or read the newspaper, it is never really something good. It is always about how someone just did a shooting, or a suicide bombing in Iraq, or how poor the economy is. I think after all the negatives and terrible things that happening here I feel the news should have to find at least one positive thing to inform everybody about. When I went to CNN’s website the headlines were… sixth relative arrested in child sex case, John Gosslin sues TLC for $5 million. That is just two of the headlines that stood out to me. Not one of the headlines was good. I know there may not be any good things but I am sure there is at least one good story. And most of the bad news has to do with a male, the child sex cases and John. Maybe, the news can add some good stories about guys so they won’t always look like the bad guys.
Another thing I want to talk about is how when Myspace was big and young teens put pictures of themselves half naked on there, and they would talk to these guys who they did not know, and just let everyone look at their personal information. I think this has gotten very dangerous and out of hand. I think it is stupid for these girls to put half naked pictures on the internet, and talk to people they have no clue who they are.

I want to also talk about the reading article I had to discuss in class, about women in art. I never thought about why when we look in the past there are several famous men artitst but no female. Dealing with the comic strips and women, the book said that women do good comic strips but are never noticed, saying that women comics are to emotional and feminine. That got me mad because that is very sterotypical and we should be noticed just like men for our talents.

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