Friday, October 30, 2009


This blog will be about eating disorders and how so many young females are wanting to be skinner and how they look at these models and young girls idolize them. I do not know where this "American Weight" comes into place because in reality, sadly but more Americans are overweight than their expected weight. I do also think that obesity is just getting out of hand and becoming an epidemic. I think if the government want to do something, than they need to fix the prices of the healthier food. I think some of the problem is that the healthier food is more expensive than the fatty, unhealthy food. It is cheaper to buy a bag of chips versus some fresh fruit.

Another topic for this blog will be Halloween and how it can be a very dangerouse time (mostly because of men.) That is how I am relating this to our class, because I remember when I was young and I always giving my mom my candy to check before because people can do something to the candy. I find that pretty disturbing but I know it really happens. Also, when I went up to my grandma's one year for Halloween and I thought it was strange that their trick-or-treat night is always the Sunday afternoon before Halloween because there was a problem with children being kid knapped at dark and dusk. Most of the Kid Knappers are male, and they not only abduct girls, but boys too.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I think this blog will be about several different topics. The first being what we watched in class and how explicit and terrible all of it was. It degrades women and I think if any guy watches that stuff and finds ‘pleasure’ out of it then something is wrong. Shoving something into a woman should not turn any guy on. I do not have much else to say about that, but I was watching True Life on MTV and one of the episodes were that they were addicted to watching pornography. It showed three different guys and they were all dating and it affected their relationships and if I remember right two of the guys broke it off with their girlfriends while the other was able to work through it. I do not think you should outlaw pornography, even though I do not agree with it, it is someone’s job and if that is the only income they have then so be it. It will also be hard to define what porn is and what is not. But I will not be surprised if they tried to outlaw pornography in the future.
The other topic I have relates to women’s studies but we watched the video in sociology. We watched a Dateline episode from the 80’s or 90’s and they did a test of how employers and unequal women are treated. One study was they took a man and a woman to go buy a car, they put a little hidden camera on their shirts to video tape it all. When the woman went to go look for a car, the sells man raised the price for the car, and would not let her test drive it because of ‘insurance reasons’, she had to ride while he drove around. Also, when she tried to negotiate the price he only went down $200 dollars. When the man went, he was able to test drive the car off the lot without the sells man even in the car. The starting price was lower than the woman’s and he negotiated about $800 dollars. When they confronted the sales guy, of course he made excuses saying “he is new to the job,” and how woman do not know as much as men about cars.
Another study was when they took the same man and woman went to apply for a job. It was the same company but had two different jobs, one as secretary and one as assistant manager. One the woman’s application they made her more qualified in the business with more work experience and education. When she went into the interview the employer assumed that she wanted to become the secretary and did not even offer her the assistant manager job position even though she was qualified and more educated. For the man, his application said he had little to no experience and little education and when he went for the interview the employer offered him the assistant manager position. After confronting the employer he said that would relate a secretary to a woman and would not even think about hiring a male for the position. Also there was about $1.50 difference in the pay the employer mentioned to the male and female.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Domestic Violence

This blog will be about the class discussion on Thursday and some of the reading assignments. These reading assignments were about domestic violence and how that males abuse females all comes down to power. They want to control their wives, girlfriends and families and it all is just a big cycle. He abuses the female, he continues and then he makes up and says things such as “I’m sorry it won’t happen again” and he will buy her items or make it all special and a few months later he is back from the start. She continues to take him back, she does not see how mistreated she is.
I also didn’t realize how much of a big issue stalking was not only on campus but in today’s society. I guess I just over look or just not think about these things but now I am more aware of the issue which will benefit me. Having a stalker is very serious and can be life threatening most of the time. What would you do if you have a stalker? Could you go the cops? I do not think there is that much help out there if you do have a stalker issue because you have to have evidence that you are being stalked. I wonder why people stalk others.
Domestic violence is such a terrible thing that will just continue throughout history. Women have been killed, raped, beaten, etc. and it still continues. I think if we continue to have domestic violence awareness maybe one day it will get better. Actually, this past Wednesday was domestic violence awareness day and at DUC they were handing out purple ribbons and had signs and statics about domestic violence which is a step to bringing more people aware about it.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I am currently watching the Tyra Banks show and it is about obesity and how obese people are discriminated against. Tyra said something that made me think, how there are laws not to discriminate against race, sex, religion but not size. If two women are going for a job interview and they both have the same schooling and the same qualifications who would be more likely to get a job...a heavy set person or a skinny person? That bothers me because it is more of a chance that a skinner person will get the job just because they look better. But the employer will not say they can not hire someone because they are obese they will say something such as "you are not what we are looking for." Then there is nothing anybody could do. There was a women on the show who discriminates against over-weight people and she said that in an office the skinny people should be in the front(when people first walk in) and the heavier people should work in the back. The lady thought she was doing nothing wrong because she considered it freedom of speech but I think people abuse that right. There is a place and a time to express how you feel. Making fun of people is just wrong. You just don't look at an obese person and say "your fat" that is rude and that is when people abuse the right of Freedom of Speech. You don't always have to say the truth but just keep it to yourself. Just because it may be a fact does not mean you go around and say it.
It should not be about looks but it should be about who is more qualified. Which leads me to ask who set this 'American Beauty' standard. Tall, and skinny. Especially if over half of Americans are not that skinny. Some people associated obesity people with lazy which also bothered me. That is the biggest myth (in my opinion.) People think that the skinner you are the more you are worth but in reality everybody is worth something and equal.